Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Billion-dollar Shave

I really liked these guys ever since they went viral 2012 with their "Our Blades Are Fucking Great" ad, that oh, btw, their CEO wrote (and was also in). Fast forward 4 years, Unilever buys DollarShaveClub for a billion dollars. I hope they don't turn it into one of those bland, brainwashed, impersonal, me-too brands that big corporations like so much.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blasted Church Winery

Probably the most well-articulated and laid-back brand positionings a wine maker has ever had. They took their name from an anecdote of a wooden church being dismantled with the help of explosives (to "loosen the screws") and then re-assembled a few miles away. Read more here.

Their wines are of course called Cross To Bear, Holy Moly, Nothing Sacred, their small yearly wine festival is The Midnight Service and they also have a retail experience event series dubbed Believe In Cheeses.